Nothing much new since I haven't scanned anything in ages (I will get to it sooner or later, I promise) but I have select things from the previous semester to share :)
One of everything's a good way to start I guess.
I think about the 10th still life I painted at a workshop. One of my better ones, and hopefully the others never see the light of day.
One of the drawings I liked best from Drawing from Imagination class. Huge this was.
Some random quickstudies.
A train~~ Done with markers, I missed using them so much.
Some of friends at workshops : )
A clothed figure that I took some artistic liberty with.
Nudes in ink.
Nudes in colour pencil (and a random face)
And some from Metamorphica.
That should be all ~ Its late, I'm hungry but not tired. That's not a good sign.
Before anyone thinks I'm going on a massive emotional trip because of the blog post titles, I tend to like posting with the title of the song I'm listening to at that moment : D
Just so you know.
Till next time!