Nothing much new since I haven't scanned anything in ages (I will get to it sooner or later, I promise) but I have select things from the previous semester to share :)
One of everything's a good way to start I guess.
I think about the 10th still life I painted at a workshop. One of my better ones, and hopefully the others never see the light of day.
One of the drawings I liked best from Drawing from Imagination class. Huge this was.
Some random quickstudies.
A train~~ Done with markers, I missed using them so much.
Some of friends at workshops : )
A clothed figure that I took some artistic liberty with.
Nudes in ink.
Nudes in colour pencil (and a random face)
And some from Metamorphica.
That should be all ~ Its late, I'm hungry but not tired. That's not a good sign.
Before anyone thinks I'm going on a massive emotional trip because of the blog post titles, I tend to like posting with the title of the song I'm listening to at that moment : D
Just so you know.
Till next time!
I like your figure sketches!
post more of em up ;)
Thanks so much Jarold! I love the stuff you've been posting on you blog too! It makes me want to take the sculpture class we have here too!
i've never seen anything outside of your sketch book, that still life and tengu sketch kicks ass! and as usual, your sketch book is niiiiceeee!
Haha thanks Ricky : D I never really posted that anywhere asides from my LJ so its not surprising you've never seen it :D
I'm lovin those clothed figure sketches :]
i really like ur still life!!! nice nice!!
Haha this is good, I'm starting to run out of ideas for poses for drawing classes and I can use some examples here XD
I love all the drawings with the tons of figures. They're very fun and energetic. Beautiful work.