Recently I got myself 3 different technicolour brush pens. They're of the hues right next to each of the primary colours. Its an interesting thing to work with colours that are so bright yet trying to mix them all together to get 'duller' tones to bring the pieces together. Lacking proper primaries proves to be challenging too.
Here's a picture I did with 4 brush pens only. Any other colours you see were mixed on the paper with the ink brush pens' colours. Ikebana (Japanese flower arrangements) are really fun to draw. Not your typical 'still life of flowers in a pot upon a table'
I spent Spring Break in Scottsdale, Arizona. Towards the end of my visit there, I was lucky enough to be given the chance to see the new Ducati upclose and personal before it was released to the storefront. They gave us a chance to draw it too. Such nice people ヽ(´ー`)人(´∇`)人(`Д´)ノ~!
Took about 30 to 40 minutes of live sketching it.
Take my drawn Ducati out for a ride and it'll probably blow up in your face ヽ(´▽`)/!
Alright, see you guys in the next post : )
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